
Basic Operation(Movie)

Export chronology data

All the chronology data will be exported to "chronology_***.txt".

The file will be exported to the "export" folder.

There are two ways to access the "export" folder.

  1. Connect to Mac via USB > Open any folder in Finder > Location (iPhone) > File > Access Parallel Chronology.
  2. * Since you cannot see the inside of the folder, copy the entire folder to your desktop.

    * For older Mac or Windows, access from the iTunes File Sharing menu.

  3. "File" app > Browse > In this iPhone > Access Parallel Chronology
  4. * Select a file, and use iCloud or the Mail app etc to move the file to an external device.

Import chronology data

Access the "import" folder using the same way as for export, and copy the file.

* If you access via USB connection, copy the entire "import" folder.

Edit chronology data

The chronology data is a UTF-16 encoded tab-delimited text file.

You can edit it in Excel or any text editor.

Save the edited data in UTF-16 encoded tab-delimited format.

* For Excel, save as "UTF-16 Unicode text (.txt)".